Strong Pulse In Neck Causes
- Pulsating neck - Carotid artery, jugular vein.
- No: It is not usual to have visible pulsing at the arteries in the neck. You need to consult your doctor to find out the reason (cardiac or vascular). Send thanks to the doctor View 1 more answer.
- Pulsating neck - Carotid artery, jugular vein.
- I have a visible neck pulse in front of my neck in the center is that normal? My blood pressure is stable. Just sometimes it shows. Answered by: Dr. Pragnesh Vachharajani ( General & Family Physician) Is it normal to have visible pulse in neck of a child?
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Visible Pulse In Neck Child

Visible pulse in neck halerz90 My stepdaughter just asked me why my neck was moving, so I looked in the mirror and had this visible pulse in my right lower neck.