
  1. Quick Start

    The Vagrant getting started tutorials will walk you through creating your first development environment with Vagrant. This quick start guide will give you a brief overview of the tutorial prerequisites and get you up and running.

  2. Install Vagrant

    Install Vagrant by visiting the Vagrant downloads page and downloading the appropriate installer or package for your platform. Packages are available for Mac, Windows, and distributions of Linux.

  3. Initialize a Project Directory

    Set up your first Vagrant project by creating a project directory with a Vagrantfile at its root. Initialize the project to create this file.

  4. Install and Specify a Box

    Vagrant uses a base image to quickly clone a virtual machine. In this tutorial specify a base image.

  5. Boot an Environment

    Bring up your first Vagrant environment, and SSH into the machine. Then destroy the virtual machine and remove the stored box.

  6. Synchronize Local and Guest Files

    Share files and folders between your local machine and the guest virtual machine to develop in your Vagrant environment while using your own text editor and other tools.

  7. Provision a Virtual Machine

    Automatically provision Vagrant environments. Serve synced files using a web server provisioned on your guest machine.

  8. Configure the Network

    At this point you have a web server running on a Virtual Machine in your Vagrant environment. In this tutorial, use Vagrant'snetworking features to access the guestmachine from your host machine.

  9. Share an Environment

    Now that you have a web server running and accessible from your machine, shareand collaborate on the environment using the Vagrant Share plugin.

  10. Teardown an Environment

    Suspend, halt, or destroy your Vagrant development environment.

  11. Rebuild an Environment

    When you are ready to come back to your project, whether it is tomorrow,a week from now, or a year from now, getting it up and running is easy.

  12. Explore Other Providers

    In these tutorials your project was backed with VirtualBox. But Vagrant can work with a wide variety of backend providers, such as VMware, Hyper-V, and others.

The Maxwell Vagrant is an off-road buggy featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. 1 Design 1.1 Grand Theft Auto Online 1.2 Current Design Gallery 2 Performance 2.1 Grand Theft Auto Online 2.1.1 GTA Online Overview 3 Modifications 3.1 Grand Theft Auto Online 4 Image Gallery 4.1 Grand Theft Auto Online 4.2 Video 5 Special Variants 5.1 GTA Online: The. Everyone should use Vagrant. It simplifies a lot of things. No need to depend upon system administrator. Going literally with the meaning of what Ragnar says, sysadmin guys can at least take a look.

The Vagrant getting started tutorials will walk you through your firstVagrant project, highlighting major features of Vagrant.

VagrantVagrant boxes

If you are curious about the benefits Vagrant read the 'Why Vagrant?' introduction page.

The getting started tutorials use Vagrant with VirtualBox,since it is free and available on every major platform. Vagrantcan work with many other providers.


35 synonyms of vagrant from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 52 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for vagrant. Vagrant: traveling from place to place. Hello, OS: Ubuntu 20.10 VirtualBox: 6.1.16 Vagrant: 2.2.14 When I launch any command using VBoxManage, the commands fails with this kind of error: $ VAGRANTLOG=info vagrant global-status INFO global: Vagrant version: 2.2.14 INFO global. The first and most important step before starting a Vagrant is, check which all boxes are present in your system. Use this command for getting the list of boxes available. Vagrant box list. Then move to further process that is, selecting a particular box. Vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 (I have selected ubuntu/trusty64) then, vagrant up.

  • Install the latest version of Vagrant.
  • Install VirtualBox

»Up and Running


After you run the following two commands, you will have a fully runningvirtual machine in VirtualBox runningUbuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit.

Vagrant definition

Initialize Vagrant.

Start the virtual machine.

SSH into this machine with vagrant ssh, and explore your environment. Leave the SSH session with logout.

When you are done exploring terminate the virtual machine, and confirm when the CLI prompts you by typing yes.

Vagrant Boxes

Now imagine every project you've ever worked on being this easy toset up! With Vagrant, vagrant up is all you need to work on any project,to install every dependency that project needs, and to set up anynetworking or synced folders, so you can continue working from thecomfort of your own machine.

The rest of these tutorials will walk you through setting up a morecomplete project.

Vagrant Boxes

You have just created your first virtual environment with Vagrant. Read on tolearn more about project setup.